I Read to Write ©2021 is designed to help students master the skills needed for close reading and responding to multiple sources on writing assessments.
Among other things, students learn to cite text evidence as they respond to multiple sources; to write across Science, Social Studies, and Math content areas; and to write within three text types: narrative, informative/explanatory, and opinion.
Rainbow was responsible for developing, writing, editing, and/or reviewing all content for both the Student Editions and Teacher Editions, Grades 2–5.
The Digital Citizenship Curriculum ©2019 offered by Common Sense Education prepares students to “take ownership of their digital lives.” The lessons and interactive games provide students with the digital citizenship skills required to participate fully in their communities and to make smart choices online and in life. The curriculum prepares students with critical 21st-century skills, supports educators, and engages the whole family through outreach.
Rainbow worked collaboratively with Common Sense Education to develop the Grades 6–8 lesson outlines, lesson plans, student handouts, lesson slides, and end-of-lesson quizzes.
Rainbow’s team was also responsible for correlating the content to the following sets of standards: Common Core, ISTE, CASEL, and AASL.
In addition, Rainbow provided Spanish translations for all lessons, student handouts, lessons slides, end-of-lesson quizzes, parent tip sheets, and family activity handouts.
Click here to view all grades and lessons.
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Kids Discover ©2018, National Edition is a core social studies program that includes informative and engaging Student Magazines for elementary and middle school learners. Rainbow developed 24 student-friendly, nonfiction magazines in collaboration with HMH and Kids Discover. Rainbow was responsible for the ideation, writing, and review of all editorial and design content.
Rainbow worked seamlessly with HMH and Kids Discover’s editorial, design, and management teams to ensure comprehensive coverage of the social studies content and the delivery of exceptional final files.
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Kids Discover ©2018 is a social studies program that delivers engaging content in the form of highly visual and student-friendly Magazines with accompanying Teacher’s Guides. Rainbow developed content for both California and National Editions of the Teacher’s Guides for Grades K–3, a total of 12 Teacher’s Guides. Additional components created by Rainbow included more than 1,400 ancillary pages (approximately 630 for the California edition and 830 for the National edition) and 18 Online Literature Selections for Grades K–6.
Florida Civics Connections to Reading ©2012 teaches the Florida civics standards through interactive lessons with reading passages, activities, and questions. For the Grades 1–2 Student Edition Workbooks and Teacher Guides, Rainbow handled full editorial development (including several rounds of page-proof review) in HMH’s authoring tool and content management system (WoodWing/SCEnt utilizing Adobe InCopy and InDesign templates). In addition, our team handled fact checking as well as tracking/correlation to the Florida civics standards.
The California History–Social Science Standards and the California Framework formed the foundation on which Reflections ©2007 was built. Rainbow created prototypes and handled full editorial development for Grades 1–2 Teacher Editions, Student Editions, Homework and Practice Books, and Assessment Books. In addition, our team was responsible for photo research, image management, fact checking, indexing, and the tracking and correlating to the California standards.
iOpeners ©2005 is designed to equip students “with the skills and strategies they need to access and comprehend nonfiction so that they are not only learning to read but reading to learn. The high-interest content and eye-popping photography of iOpeners brings science, math and social studies topics to life . . .” Rainbow edited Grades 3–6 of this series.