The InvestiGator Club

The InvestiGator Club


To develop this groundbreaking, fully-integrated Pre-K learning system, Rainbow conducted competitive analysis and market research, developed a program scope and sequence, planned and conceived the initial prototypes, organized focus groups, and revised to final concept the Teacher Editions, Art Prints, Lapbooks, Nonfiction Science Readers, and all Ancillaries, including a new storytelling component called Flapboards®.

Rainbow was responsible for complete project management and coordination, including editorial development, design, art, photography, and production for all components. We collaborated with two program authors, trained and led a team of content experts, and managed two outside design groups, multiple production companies (both overseas and in the U.S.), a photography studio, several photo researchers, and a team of freelance illustrators.

Product Description

This program included more than 3,000 pages of manuscript, as well as a set of magnetic foam numbers and letters, a set of seven original doll puppets, three audio CDs, two CD-ROMs, and thousands of illustrations. Rainbow tracked and managed permissions for all images and directed additional live photography sessions as needed.

Rainbow was responsible for all pages from the earliest planning stages through to releasing final application files to the prepress houses. In addition to quality control, Rainbow managed and monitored all budgets, workflows, and schedules.

This project was completed on schedule and on budget.