
Content is everything.

Rainbow provided a detailed skill alignment for the core texts and ancillary components of HMH’s Into Reading ©2020, Grades 1–6.

Rainbow’s highly-qualified team of Subject Matter Experts carefully reviewed and analyzed over 12,000 resources, including reading and writing workshop teacher guides, anchor charts, projectable content, student texts, and printable worksheets to determine the essential skills covered within each.

These skill-based metadata tags created by Rainbow’s team enable teachers to quickly and accurately search and identify resources within the Into Reading program that can then be used for targeted skill instruction based on student assessment and performance.

I Read to Write ©2021 is designed to help students master the skills needed for close reading and responding to multiple sources on writing assessments.

Among other things, students learn to cite text evidence as they respond to multiple sources; to write across Science, Social Studies, and Math content areas; and to write within three text types: narrative, informative/explanatory, and opinion.

Rainbow was responsible for developing, writing, editing, and/or reviewing all content for both the Student Editions and Teacher Editions, Grades 2–5.

Rainbow developed assessment passages and items to be used in conjunction with The College Board’s SpringBoard English Language Arts ©2020-2021, Grades 9–12 (Texas Edition) and Grades 6–8, English I, English II, English III, English IV (National Edition).

The assessment program is designed to assist students to develop and refine skills in critical thinking, close reading, and writing in various genres.

At each grade level, Rainbow developed content for two separate types of assessments—Activity Quizzes and Unit Assessments. Activity Quizzes are designed to assess students’ understanding of the Learning Targets and Focus Standards taught in each activity. Unit Assessments are longer cumulative assessments that test students’ understanding of the reading, writing, and language standards taught throughout an entire unit.

Rainbow’s team of assessment experts handled start-to-finish passage and item development including analysis of existing items and creation of Blueprint planning documents. Rainbow handled the literature search for permissioned text stimuli as well as developed new content for commissioned text stimuli. Item types, developed in Learnosity’s authoring tool, included multiple-choice, multi-select, two-part, drag and drop, highlighting, and matching.

All items are aligned to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for the Texas edition or the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for the National edition.

Rainbow handled development of approximately 25 passages 600+ multiple-choice and technology-enhanced items focused on reading and writing skills to be used in connection with HMH’s Into Reading ©2020, Grades 2–5.

Our team of assessment experts developed short reading passages and crafted multiple-choice and constructed response items. Each constructed response item contained an item-specific rubric. For the writing portion of the assessment, our team created embedded error passages and multiple-choice questions designed to assess students’ knowledge of grammar, usage, revising, and editing.

Rainbow also handled art and photo searches for any passages that required graphic stimuli or support.

All passages and items were designed to reflect those found on the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) tests and were aligned to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS).

Rainbow’s team of assessment experts handled the development of approximately 300 passages and 1,500 multiple-choice and technology-enhanced items to be used in connection with HMH’s Into Reading ©2020, Grades K–5.

Passages at grades 2–5 were written to meet grade-specific Lexile ranges, and the items at all grade levels were aligned to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), and the Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL). All passages and items were created using the online authoring tool Learnosity.

For kindergarten, Rainbow’s team created fiction and nonfiction listening comprehension passages with corresponding multiple-choice items. Our team also developed stand-alone, multiple-choice items to assess phonics and high-frequency words.

For first grade, Rainbow developed decodable fiction and nonfiction reading passages with corresponding multiple-choice items. In addition to these passage-specific items, our team also created stand-alone items to assess phonics, high-frequency words, and grammar.

At grades 2–5, Rainbow created fiction and nonfiction reading passages and multiple-choice, constructed response, multi-select, ordering, and matching items associated with each passage. Our team also created embedded error passages with corresponding multiple-choice items.


Rainbow was responsible for developing, writing, and editing new content, and updating existing content for Zaner-Bloser’s Spelling Connections, Texas Edition ©2020, Grades 1–6

Components included Student Editions (1,243 pages), Teacher Editions (1,794 pages), Teacher Resource Books (1,636 pages), and Standardized Test Masters (1,240 pages).

Writing Workshop is a writing program designed to be used in connection with HMH’s Into Reading ©2020. The curriculum focuses on the writing process and emphasizes student ownership of writing with the use of mentor texts. Each grade includes a Teacher’s Guide, a Writer’s Notebook for student use, and a set of Display & Engage Projectable Screens for teachers to display during classroom instruction.

Rainbow developed content for the Teacher’s Guides (360 pages), Writer’s Notebooks (231 pages), and 237 Projectable Screens for Grades 1–2 to be used in connection with the Texas, Virginia, and National editions.

In addition, Rainbow provided copyediting services for Grades 3–5, reviewing more than 600 Teacher’s Guide pages, 355 Writer’s Notebook pages, and 446 Projectable Screens.

G2 Student Lesson Sample

G2 Teacher Lesson Sample

Rainbow developed the Focal Text Take and Teach Lessons & Book Club Discussion Guides to be used in connection with HMH’s Into Reading ©2020, National Edition.

These four-page lessons are designed for Book Club Discussion and include guided reading questions, support for English Learners, key vocabulary, and group project options.

Rainbow developed content for all lessons for Grades 1–6, a total of 288 pages. Each lesson includes a printable Book Club Discussion Guide, which the Rainbow team also created — an additional 456 pages.

Rainbow’s role included full-service content review from manuscript to soft proof for all components and grade levels.

G3 FT Lesson Sample

Rainbow developed the Leveled Library Take and Teach Lessons & Assessment Quizzes to be used in connection with HMH’s Into Reading ©2020, National Edition.

These four- to eight-page guided reading instructional lessons were designed to accompany each leveled reader in the Rigby Leveled Library for Grades K–6. Each lesson includes a Key Ideas & Details instructional session as well as two target skill instructional sessions.

Rainbow developed content for all Take and Teach Lessons for Grades K–2 and provided full-service content review — a total of 1,800 pages. In addition, Rainbow developed content for all 30 of the Take and Teach Lessons for Grade 6 and provided full-service content review of all 120 pages, from manuscript to soft proof.

Each Take and Teach Lesson is accompanied by a Comprehension Quiz. Rainbow developed content for all 90 quizzes — a total of 425 assessment items.

G2 LR Lesson Sample

Tabletop Minilessons: English Language Development ©2020, Grades K–6 (Texas and National editions) is a large, easel-style component designed to support students’ everyday language acquisition across the domains of listening, speaking, reading, writing, and problem-solving.

Rainbow collaborated with HMH in researching and choosing high-quality images for the student-facing side of each lesson. In addition, our team developed all content for both student- and teacher-facing lessons for Grades K–6 for both Texas and National editions — a total of 1,188 pages.